Subregional Training on Computer Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) using Survey Solutions, 17 to 22 November 2024, Nadi, Fij The training strengthened and built the capacity of NSOs to use survey solutions for data collection and management. Mastery and capacity building in survey solutions will help beneficiary countries increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their statistical operations while contributing to improving the data quality and reliability of official statistics produced by NSOs in the region. The training adopted a blended approach that blended lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises related to the use of tablets for data collection in Survey Solutions. The training was designed to allow participants time to interact with the facilitators and peers from other countries through open/whole group and small group discussions. It also provided opportunities to share best practices and methods.
e-Learning :Principles of Data Visualization for Official Statistics and SDG Indicators, 11 November to 27 December 2024 This course introduces data visualization as a tool to produce high-quality graphics for monitoring, reporting and publishing official statistics and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) indicators.
This course offered participants (281) the opportunity to explore and interpret key techniques in data visualization, both for data exploration and effective data presentation. Learners analyzed, evaluated, and applied essential principles of data visualization through dedicated case studies, addressing the challenges of visualizing complex datasets. The course emphasized strategies for visualizing multi-dimensional data and introduced practical methods for representing statistical indicators on maps and within |
e-Learning : Solid Waste Accounting, 18 November to 06 December 2024 Decreasing and properly managing solid wastes are priorities for many countries. These priorities are also reflected in the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which call for substantially reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse, as well as for proper management of all kinds of waste. Solid wastes can have a negative impact on well-being. Data on solid waste generation and management by different actors in the economy are necessary to inform policies not only for the management of waste, but also policies related to circular economy, resource use and ecosystems. This short course focused on solid waste statistics and accounts and was attended by 219 participants. The solid waste accounts are based on the System for Environmental-Economic Accounting-Central Framework (SEEA-CF)
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Regional Course on Consumer Price Index Compilation Methods, 20 to 24 January 2025, Chiba, Japan CPIs measure changes over time in the general level of prices of goods and services that households acquire (use or pay for) for the purpose of consumption. In many countries, they were originally introduced to provide a measure of the changes in the living costs faced by workers, so that wage increases could be related to changing levels of prices. However, over the years, CPIs have widened their scope and now are widely used as a macroeconomic indicator of inflation, as a tool by governments and central banks for monetary policy and for monitoring price stability, and as deflators in the national accounts. With the globalization of trade and production and the liberalization of the markets, national governments, central banks, and international organizations place great importance on the quality and accuracy of national CPIs, and their international
e-Learning : Using administrative data to produce official statistics, 20 January to 21 February 2025 National statistical systems are increasingly using administrative data to compile official statistics. Such data can be utilized to better meet the increasing demands for new statistics and indicators that are highly disaggregated. Administrative data is not collected for the primary purpose of compiling official statistics, and statisticians need to ensure that the data meets certain criteria before using it to produce official statistics. This course provides an overview of administrative data, a discussion of data quality issues and institutional mechanisms to ensure that administrative data can be used in the production of official statistics. The course builds upon content developed for in-person training courses conducted by UNSD and to which members of the Collaborative on Administrative Data have provided valuable
SIAP E-learning System SIAP offers a range of e-learning courses across the domains of social, environment and economic statistics; data science; and statistical principles and methodologies. These courses are facilitated and supported by an expert in the field to the participants through regular communication in discussion box and through webinar(s) during the period of course delivery. A certificate is issued to successful participants completing the course after passing the prescribed examination.