Business statistics
27 September - 12 November 2021 | Online |
e-Learning course Foundational course on Statistical Business Register (SBR)
This course is designed to provide a strong conceptual and practical foundation required to build high quality SBRs. This will in turn facilitate the harmonization of integrated economic statistics in terms of coverage, statistical units, and frame methodology.
Online Module | 9 - 16 May 2018Face-to-Face Module: 21 - 25 May 2018 (Perak, Malaysia)
Regional Course on Statistical Business Registers: Data sources, maintenance and quality assurance
10 - 13 December 2017 | Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Regional Course on Statistical Business Registers: Making better use of administrative data
7 to 11 November 2016 | Chiba, Japan
Workshop on Statistical Business Registers for Developing Countries
26 – 30 January 2015 , Perak, Malaysia
Regional Course on Statistical Business Registers: Making a Business Case for an Operational Statistical Business Register
This regional course aims to provide a platform for demonstrating good practices and exchanging experiences in dealing with challenges and issues in the development, maintenance and use of statistical business registers (SBRs) and for developing a business case for supporting an operational SBR suitable to national contexts.
E-learning Module (Online): 24-30 August 2015, Face-to-Face Module: 12-16 September 2015, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Regional Workshop on Improving Use of Administrative Data in Production of Official Statistics: Role of Statistical Register Systems
The workshop will provide opportunities for the participants to learn from advanced statistical systems about how statistical register systems are constructed, how linking between different base registers are created and how official statistics are produced from statistical registers.