Principles & Practices of Official Statistics for SDG
There has been an increased recognition of the role that official statistics plays in overall development of countries. This has been largely due to the data demands for monitoring progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out under the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations.
Officials in the National Statistical Offices (NSOs) and ministries achieve knowledge on fundamental statistics and statistical system to compile and monitor indicators for SDGs; including compilation of indicators for monitoring of SDGs, United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, legal framework, statistical methodologies, data collection, processing, statistical analysis, dissemination of data and result of analysis.
18 October - 10 December 2021 | Online |
Theory and Practices in Official Statistics for Monitoring SDGs
The program provides training on the principles, processes and systems involved in the production of official statistics, with a particular focus on data and indicators needed to meet the statistics demand emanating from the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. Official statistics are statistics that are produced according to rigorous quality standards and released by government agencies or international organizations to the public. To strengthen capacity of entities belonging to national statistical systems by providing training to statistical staff that increases their knowledge and develops their skills to produce data, apply statistical methods to produce official statistics and indicators and interpret and use these for monitoring progress in achieving the SDGs
24 May – 25 June 2021 | Online |
e-Learning Course on Developing National Indicator Frameworks for SDG Monitoring
This course aims to provide insights on how to facilitate the alignment of national plans and indicator frameworks. It provides details on the important role statistical indicators play in monitoring national and sector plans.
9 march - 7 April 2020 | On-Line
e-Learning Course on Official Statistics for SDGs
This course introduces fundamental knowledge on official statistics. This course will help you understand how to compile and monitor Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators from official statistics
1 - 31 May 2019 | On-Line
e-Learning Course on Official Statistics for SDGs
This course introduces fundamental knowledge on official statistics. This course will help you understand how to compile and monitor Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators from official statistics.
28 January - 8 March 2019 | Chiba, Japan
Training Programme on Innovations in Use of New Data Sources and Methodologies for SDG Statistics
This course was jointly organised by the Institute and the Japan International Cooperation Agency of the Government of Japan. It is designed to strengthen the innovative capabilities of national statistical systems to explore new data sources such as geo-spatial information, big data, and alternative administrative data, and apply alternative/non-traditional methods for SDG statistics. The program will also develop ability to use the non-traditional supplementary data for disaggregation of SDG statistics.
6 August - 5 September 2018 | On-Line
Third e-Learning course on Introduction to Official Statistics
27 August - 7 December 2018 | Chiba, Japan
Theory and Practices in Official Statistics for Monitoring Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
This course is jointly organised by the Institute and the Japan International Cooperation Agency of the Government of Japan. It is designed to strengthen the capacity of entities belonging to national statistical systems, by providing statistical staff with training that aims at increasing their knowledge and improving their skills to produce data, to apply statistical methods in order to produce official statistics as well as indicators and to interpret and to use these for monitoring progress in achieving the SDGs.
19 June - 18 July 2018 | On-Line
Second e-Learning course on Introduction to Official Statistics
11 - 22 June 2018 | On-Line
R for Official Statistics
9 May - 5 June 2018 | On-Line
First e-Learning course on Introduction to Official Statistics
18 May to 10 July 2018 | Chiba, Japan
Statistical Analysis of Disaggregated SDG Indicators for Inclusive Development Policies
23 February 2018 | Chiba, Japan
Project on Developing Statistical Quaility System at CAPMAS: Egypt
21 August to 15 December 2017, Chiba, Japan
Second Group Training Programme on Improving Capability in Producing Official Statistics for Monitoring the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals
15 May to 7 July 2017, Chiba, Japan
Subregional Workshop on Data and Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for High-Level Official Statisticians
The workshop will bring the heads and senior managers of the national statistical offices (NSOs) of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan together to exchange experiences and lessons from national SDG data readiness assessments, mappings of national indicators to the global framework, and the design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of National Strategies for the Developments of Statistics (NSDSs)