Training of Trainers
Those who are engaging in statistical training in the NSOs and ministries achieve skills to train statistics and manage training, including training in designing, developing and delivering of statistical training programmes, training to certify trainers in specific statistical areas (Indicative areas: basic statistical methods; administrative statistics; sampling methodologies; gender statistics; National Accounts; SEEA; agricultural statistics; and IT applications in statistics)
10-11 and 26-27 May, and 14-15 and 28-29 June 2021 | Virtual Training
Training of Trainers on Gender Statistics for Monitoring the SDGs Virtual Training
The training will provide the opportunity for participants to review and understand key components of the Training Curriculum on Gender Statistics, which is currently being finalized by the Subgroup on Gender Statistics Training: a subsidiary organ of the Network for the Coordination of Statistical Training in Asia and the Pacific.
12 - 22 January 2021 | Video Learning, 25 - 28 January 2021 | Remote Training
Online Training of Training of Trainers on Telephone Surveys
Participants are expected to contribute to capacity building on telephone surveys in their countries, and also preferably in their neighboring countries in their region. This training course would help countries conduct high-quality telephone surveys during the current pandemic as well as afterwards, as National Statistical Offices increasingly adopt to new modes of data collection.
The training will bring together statisticians from member countries of the Network for the Coordination of Statistical Training in Asia and the Pacific.
The training will bring together statisticians from member countries of the Network for the Coordination of Statistical Training in Asia and the Pacific.
11 - 15 May 2020, Chiba, Japan
Regional Training of Trainers on the Curriculum on Gender Statistics for Monitoring the SDGs
The objective of the training is to provide essential knowledge and skills to qualified trainers who will be providing gender statistics training and capacity building assistance for national training implementation. Furthermore, the training aims to assess and strengthen the effectiveness of the training curriculum developed under the guidance of the Sub-group on Gender Statistics Training.
21 – 24 March 2017, Chiba, Japan
Regional Workshop on Training of Trainers for Official Statistics
To support statistical training providers in the Asia-Pacific region to assess training needs, design and deliver statistical training programmes for official statisticians working at National Statistical Systems (NSSs) in a more harmonized form and with higher quality, SIAP is organizing a Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop (21-24 March 2017). The ToT workshop was aims to brought senior officials from institutes providing training on official statistics in the Asia-Pacific region to share best practices regarding training design and facilitation. The workshop also aims to equipped participants with the improved skills in designing, developing and delivery of training on official statistics with focus on agricultural and rural statistics.
29 February – 3 March, 2016 | Chiba, Japan
Regional Workshop on Training of Trainers for Official Statistics
The main objective of the workshop was to improve institutional capacity of national statistical systems (NSSs) in designing, developing and delivering training on official statistics. The workshop also aims at piloting a ToT manual, including a generic template that can be utilized by training providers to develop specialized ToT manuals/guides.