5th Regional Training Course on the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) and Advanced Data Planning Tool (ADAPT)

National Strategy for the Development of Statistics

6 - 9 November 2018 | Chiba, Japan


Training course will feature an intensive workshop on the Advanced Data Planning Tool (ADAPT), an innovative web-based planning tool for National Statistical Offices, national planning agencies, and other data producers to document data demands and supply and identify the data gaps in policy, planning and monitoring frameworks.

a group of people in business attire posing for a photoa group of people in business attire posing for a photo
Topics of Workshop

Module1: Setting the stage

Training Overviewpdf
Overview of the Agenda 2030, national development agenda, and data demands    pdf

Module2: The NSDS Approach

National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) Overviewpdf

Module 3: Thematic concerns in the NSDS

Thematic Concerns in the NSDSpdf

Module 4: Innovation and change management in official statistics

Managing Innovation in National Statistical Offices pdf

Module 5 – Data Planning and Advanced Data Planning Tool (ADAPT)

ADAPT in a nutshell  Advanced Data Planning Toolpdf