Basic-level e-Learning Course on Introduction to System of National Accounts

Introduction to the System of National Accounts (2008 SNA)


The objective of this e-Learning Course is to provide an understanding of the basic concepts and framework of the System of National Accounts (SNA) to the newcomers to the field of national accounts

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Lesson I:   An Introduction to System of National Accounts - Basic Concepts
- Introduction to System of National Accounts
- Economic Flows and Stocks
- Economic Assets
- Transaction
- Accounting Rules

   Reading material


   Lesson 1: Introduction (Please use Internet Explorer or Firefox browser)


   Lesson 1: Introduction (Download)

Lesson II:   Macro-economic Framework
This lesson, we will learn about SNA and its macroeconomic foundations, circular flow of income and factors of production.
- Introduction to the SNA
- Circular Flow of Income
- Factors of Production

   Lesson 2: Macro-economic Framework (Please use Internet Explorer or Firefox browser)


   Lesson 2: Macro-economic Framework (Download)

Lesson III:   Institutional Sectors
This lesson discusses the concepts of institutional units/sectors, enterprises and establishments. It also revisits the concepts of economic territory and residence.
- Domestic Economy
- Institutional Units

   Lesson 3: Institutional Sectors (Please use Internet Explorer or Firefox browser)


   Lesson 3: Institutional Sectors (Download)

Lesson IV: Production and Output
This lessons introduces the concepts of production and output.
- Defining Output
- Measuring Output
- Intermediate Consumption

   Lesson 4 : Flows and Stocks (Please use Internet Explorer or Firefox browser)


   Lesson 4 : Flows and Stocks (Download)

Lesson V: Relationship between SNA Aggregates – Main Identities
This lesson will present the relationships between SNA main aggregates.
- Relationships between Macroeconomic aggregates
- Identities
– Relating to Transactions
- Main Identities

   Lesson 5: Relationship between SNA Aggregates – Main Identities (Please use Internet Explorer or Firefox browser)


   Lesson 5: Relationship between SNA Aggregates – Main Identities (Download)

Lesson VI: SNA Sequence of Accounts
This lesson presents the sequence of SNA accounts.
- Current Accounts
- Accumulation Accounts

   Lesson 6: Sequence of Accounts (Please use Internet Explorer or Firefox browser)


   Lesson 6: Sequence of Accounts (Download)
