Agricultural & Rural Statistics
The 2030 Agenda offers a vision for food and agriculture as key to sustainable development. Officials in the NSOs and agricultural ministries achieve knowledge on agricultural and rural statistics, fishery statistics and food statistics.
□ Agricultural and rural statistics
□ Fishery statistics
□ Food statistics
21 - 24 October 2019 | Chiba, Japan
Regional capacity development workshop for countries from Asia and the Pacific (RAP) on Farm Survey Based SDG Indicators
This regional workshops is to provide capacity development on methodology, data collection and calculation of selected SDG indicators related to sustainable and productive agriculture to government officials responsible for monitoring SDGs. These include SDG indicators 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.4.1, 5.a.1 and 12.3.1.
26 - 30 November 2018 | Chiba, Japan
Regional Course on SDG Indicators under FAO Custodianship
The course is aimed at strengthening the technical capacity of national statistical offices to compile the SDG indicators under FAO custodianship and report them at national and international levels. Materials
22 - 24 October 2018 | Chiba, Japan
Regional Training Course on the Measurement of Post-Harvest Losses in Asia and the Pacific
To enhance the capacity of entities which belong to the National Statistics Office, the Ministries of Agriculture and/or the Ministries of Food through provision of training to statistical staff, in order to increase their knowledge and to develop their skills to produce data, apply appropriate statistical methods to produce Post-Harvest Loss (PHL) statistics and indicators including the Global Food Loss Index (GFLI), interpret and utilise these for monitoring the progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Materials
13 - 17 August 2018 | Suva, Fiji
Sub Regional Training Course on Sampling Methods for Producing Core Data Items for Agricultural and Rural Statistics
The sub regional training course aims to bring together statisticians and stakeholders to provide technical guidance on the selection and application of appropriate sampling methods for producing the minimum set of core data items for agricultural and rural statistics. Materials
21 May - 14 June 2018 | On-line
e-Learning course on Food balance sheets
23 - 27 April 2018 | Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Regional Training Course on Agricultural Costs of Production Statistics
This training course is aimed at strengthening the technical capacity of statistical producers to apply relevant international comparable methods and standards in the compilation of agricultural cost of production statistics. The regional training course aims to build the capacity of statistical producing institutions in RAP’s priority countries and to train their statisticians to compile high quality and internationally comparable agricultural cost of production statistics. Materials
20 - 24 November 2017 | Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Regional Training Course on the New Supply Utilization Account/Food Balance Sheet Methodology and Compilation Tool
The training was designed for middle level officials from RAP priority countries. It targets officers of National Statistical Offices and statistical units of Ministry of Agriculture engaged in the production of agricultural and rural statistics who are responsible for the compilation of food balance sheets (FBS). Materials
26 – 30 June 2017 | Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Regional Training Course on Costs of Agricultural Production Statistics, Communication and Advocacy for Statistics
This training course is aimed at strengthening the communication and advocacy capacities of statistical offices and statistical units of agricultural ministries to promote use of agricultural data in policy monitoring and evaluation. Specifically, the training course will equip participants with knowledge of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to agriculture, associated indicators and tools to promote their importance in national development policy. Participants are expected to lead advocacy events in their respective countries that puts investment in agriculture statistics as crucial in monitoring SDGs. . Materials
21 to 25 November 2016 | Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Regional Training Course on Cost of Production for Agricultural Statistics
This training course is aimed at strengthening the technical capacity of statistical producers to apply relevant international comparable methods and standards in the compilation of agricultural cost of production statistics. The regional training course aims tobuild the capacity of statistical producing institutions in RAP’s priority countries and to train their statistical experts-cum-managers to compile high quality and internationally comparable agricultural cost of production statistics. Materials
15 to 17 November 2016 | Bogor, Indonesia
Regional Training Course on Cost of Production for Agricultural Statistics
The present policy analysis workshop: Transition towards Sustainable Agriculture in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – Strategic Implementation Follow Up and Review” is planned to respond to emerging challenges of Asia-Pacific developing countries and to assist enhancing national capacities for effectively making relevant policy decisions. The programme is built on that of the previous workshop ‘Monitoring and Evaluation of Policy Options for Sustainable Agriculture, Poverty Alleviation and Food Security in the Post-2015 Development Agenda’ organized by CAPSA and SIAP in in Bogor, Indonesia, in November 2014, and further reflects the latest and ongoing discussion at the global level on SDG implementation, as well as ‘Follow up and review’, and aims to highlight most pragmatic components required for critical decision-making for advancing national sustainable development agenda through promoting sustainable agriculture. Materials
10–21 October 2016 | Jakarta, Indonesia
Policy Analysis Workshop: Transition towards Sustainable Agriculture in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – Strategic Implementation, Follow Up and Review
The regional training course aims to bring together statisticians and stakeholders to provide technical guidance on the selection and application of appropriate sampling methods for producing the minimum set of core data items for agricultural and rural statistics.
27 June to 1 July 2016 | Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Training Course on Communication and Advocacy for Agricultural and Rural Statistics
This training course is aimed at strengthening the communication and advocacy capacities of statistical offices and statistical units of agricultural ministries to promote use of agricultural data in policy monitoring and evaluation. Specifically, the training course will equip participants with knowledge and tools that ensures effective use of dissemination strategies to maximize uptake of agricultural statistics for policy monitoring and evaluation. Materials
29 February to 3 March 2016 | Chiba, Japan
Regional Workshop on Training of Trainers for Official Statistics
The main objective of the workshop is to improve institutional capacity of national statistical systems (NSSs) in designing, developing and delivering training on official statistics. The workshop also aims at piloting a ToT manual, including a generic template that can be utilized by training providers to develop specialized ToT manuals/guides. Mterials