Workshop on Improving the Integration of a Gender Perspective into Official Statistics

16 - 19 April 2013, Chiba, Japan


Session 1: Develop a coherent and comprehensive plan for the production of gender statistics

Global review of gender statistics programmes - UNSDpdf

Countries’ experience in integrating gender into national statistics

Country presentation: India - 1pdf
Country presentation: India - 2pdf
Country presentation: Philippinespdf
Country presentation: Japanpdf

Session 2: Integrating a gender perspective in health statistics

Integrating a gender perspective into health statistics - UNSDpdf
Country presentation: Bangladeshpdf
Country presentation: Myanmarpdf

Session 3: Integrating a gender perspective in statistics on work

Integrating a gender perspective into work statistics - UNSDpdf
Country presentation: Malaysiapdf

Session 4: Integrating a gender perspective in poverty statistics

Integrating a gender perspective into poverty statistics - UNSDpdf
Country presentation: Nepalpdf

Session 5: Integrating a gender perspective in statistics on environment

Integrating a gender perspective into environment statistics - UNSDpdf
Country presentation: Sri Lankapdf

Session 6: Violence against women surveys

Measuring violence against women - UNSDpdf
Country presentation: Indonesiapdf
Country presentation: Viet Nampdf

Session 7: Time use surveys

Integrating a gender perspective into time use statistics - SIAPpdf
Time use sample - SIAPpdf
Comparison of cost-based valuation approaches for unpaid work - SIAPpdf
Country presentation: Chinapdf
Country presentation: Thailandpdf

Session 8: Population and Housing censuses: Use of census data for gender statistics

Use of census data for gender statistics and analysis - UNFPA 1. Strengths and weaknesses of the use of census data 2. Tabulation of census data 3. Limitations on the kinds of conclusions that can be drawn from census tabulations 4. Types of indicators that can be constructed with census data 5. Comparison of census indicators with similar indicators from other sources 6. Multivariate analyses 7. Selected substantive analysespdf
Use of census data for gender statistics and analysis - additional documentpdf
Country presentation: Lao PDRpdf
Country presentation: Maldivespdf
Country presentation: Mongoliapdf

Session 9: Analysis and presentation of gender statistics: an overview

From raw data to easily understood gender statistics - UNSDpdf

Regional perspective of ESCAP

Regional perspective, the way forward (SIAP)pdf